These are the main public and private organisations, with which we collaborates, at various levels, to promote a thriving digital economy in Europe and globally:
- Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
- Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA)
- European Internet Forum (EIF)
- ECSO (European Cyber Security Organisation)
- EATA (European Automotive and Telecoms Alliance)
- European Policy Centre (EPC)
- European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
- European Green Deal Coalition (EGDC)
- Fédération des Associations Internationales de Belgique (FAIB)
- FEDE - Federation for Education in Europe
- Gaia-X
- Global eSustainability Initiative (GeSI)
- Global Compact
- Huawei Inc.
- Internet Society
- International Chamber of Commerce BASIS Group
- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
- OECD BIAC group
- UMTS Forum
- UNI Europa
- USTelecom