8th EETT International Conference

ETNO to participate in the 8th EETT International Conference, Athens 17 May

ETNO to participate in the 8th EETT International Conference, Athens 17 May

Luigi Gambardella, ETNO Executive Board Chair, will speak on Friday 17 May at the 8th edition of the International conference organised by the Greek Telecoms Regulator, EETT, on the theme "Regulation towards a smart digital ecosystem. The conference will be opened by Mr. Menelaos Daskalakis, General Secretary of Telecommunications & Post, Ministry of Development & Infrastructures, Dr. Leonidas Kanellos, EETT President & BEREC Chair, and Dr. Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General, International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

The ETNO EB Chair will intervene in the Session 4: Europe at the forefront of the digital economy. During this session representatives from the European Commission, BEREC, regulators and operators will debate the strategic impact of the European Commission’s Draft Recommendation on non-discrimination and costing methodologies for the successful NGA roll-out across Europe. 

Luigi Gambardella will reiterate the key importance for the regulatory approach to provide certainty for investors while being flexible enough to enable operators to develop new business models and to respond to evolving consumer demands, in line with the announcement by VP Kroes of last July.

Several ETNO members and observers are also intervening as speakers at the conference, including Roland Doll, Vice President European Affairs, Deutsche Telekom, Karim Antonio Lesina, Vice President, AT&T and Dimitris Michalakis, Business Unit Director, OTE TV.

More info: http://www.eett.gr/conference2013/html/programme-eng.htm