Beyond Connectivity 2013

“Maximizing revenues through digital excellence”This year, the Beyond Connectivity annual conference theme is “Maximizing revenues through digital excellence.”

“Maximizing revenues through digital excellence”

This year, the Beyond Connectivity annual conference theme is “Maximizing revenues through digital excellence.”

The governing dynamics for better ICT policies and effective digitization evolve amicably over the course of time. To date, the overall development in digitization has been quite impressive; nonetheless there exist areas where access to high speed Internet has so for been very low, which includes countries in Africa, Asia and certain other regions. Although, some markets in these regions have shown remarkable growth in the telecoms & ICT sector over the past few years but the overall ICT usage and the level of digitization is still below global averages.

With the current information revolution and the ongoing convergence, the ICTs sector is evolving at a remarkable pace. This dynamism of the sector has resulted in ensuring decisive change in all aspects of our lives, including knowledge creation and its widespread distribution, social networking, economic activities, media and entertainment. With the emergence of next generation technologies, the need for harmonized national ICT policies is gaining new heights and becoming a hot issue in the SAMENA region. Over the past few years, the need for a collaborative approach on various issues such as Internet governance, Cooperation Across The Content Value-Chain, Satellite broadband applications, digitization initiatives and motivations across the SAMENA region, Spectrum Harmonization,), and International Roaming Rates among others have attracted much attention in the region.. It is therefore decisive that a region-wide move for digital excellence be devised and implemented maximize revenues and to help boost the industry growth further.

This year “Beyond Connectivity” will be held on March 6th & 7th in Istanbul Turkey and will convene industry leaders from across the SAMENA region and beyond to discuss the industry’s hot issues.

Discussion Topics

  • Internet Governance: Implications Of New Policy Trend
  • Moving Toward Sustainaiblity: Cooperation Across The Content Value-Chain
  • Satellite Broadband Applications
  • Motivation For Digitization In The South Asia - Middle East - North Africa Region
  • Harmonization: Digital Dividend, Lte Strategies And Deployment
  • Regional Exchange And Agreements: Mobile Roaming

Fore more details, Download Agenda here.