Business International in partnership with ETNO and under the patronage of AGCOM: State of Telecom and Digital Media in Europe

Business International in partnership with ETNO and under the patronage of AGCOM: State of Telecom and Digital Media in Europe.In order to favor the debate between the industry players on how to efficiently face the numerous challenges the ICT sector is confronted which in these though times, Business International is back in December to talk with the industry.

Business International in partnership with ETNO and under the patronage of AGCOM: State of Telecom and Digital Media in Europe.

In order to favor the debate between the industry players on how to efficiently face the numerous challenges the ICT sector is confronted which in these though times, Business International is back in December to talk with the industry.

Europe is being confronted with the most serious economic and financial crisis in the last decades. The communications sector, as highlighted by the Commission 2020 and the Digital Agenda, holds the potential to lead the growth and boost European competitiveness.

Which policies might contribute to encourage private investment in high-speed broadband networks and to foster the development of new services and business models?

On December 13 in Rome, the top representatives from Italian and European institutions, executives from Telco Operator, MediaCo and WebCo, as well as analysts and academic experts will get together to discuss above all these key issues.

9.30 Opening

Dario Laruffa – Journalist, Tg2

9.45 State of Digital Agenda in Europe

Keynote Speakers

Luigi Gambardella – Chairman of the Executive Board of ETNO 
Roberto Viola – Secretary General of AGCOM – President of the Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG)


Paolo Gentiloni – President of Forum ICT – Democratic Party 
Mario Valducci – Chairman of the Transport, Post and Telecommunications Committee, Chamber of Deputies

11.00 Metroweb and the Trento Case. Public and private partnerships to develop NGA

How to support Italy’s development in such a tricky phase?

Gildo Campesato – Editor  of the Corriere delle Comunicazioni 


Enzo Savarese – AGCOM Commissioner
Maurizio Dècina – Professor of Telecommunications at the Polytechnic University of Milan
Sergio Bettotti – General Director of the Trento Province 

12.30 Achieving a Sustainable Internet Model: Telco and... …

Jonathan Liebenau - Reader in Technology Management at the London School of Economics 


Dario Laruffa – Journalist, Tg2 - 


Roberto Liscia – President of Netcomm 
Gianluca Baini – President and CEO - Alcatel-Lucent Italia 
Maria Elena Cappello – CEO - Nokia Siemens Networks Italia 


Enrico Noseda - Head of Market Development EMEA - Skype 
Mauro Sentinelli – Member of the Board - Telecom Italia 
Pier Luigi Dal Pino - Government Affairs Director  - Microsoft Italia 
Antonio Converti - CEO - Libero 


Alessandro Longo - Journalist 

13.30 Lunch

14.30 Digital Media Revolution

• Where next for digital content?
• From the traditional revenue models to the digital revenues
• Preparing for a multi-platform, multi device future

Maurizio Dècina - Professor of Telecommunications at the Polytechnic University of Milan


Nicola D'Angelo – AGCOM Commissioner 
Mario Sechi – Editor of Il Tempo 
Piero Gaffuri - CEO - RaiNet 
Luca De Biase - Editor of Nòva24 - Il Sole 24 Ore 

16.00 Conclusions by the Chairman

* this agenda is provisional and might be changed

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