Cable Congress 2013

Personal Invitation from Matthias KurthDear Friends,It is my great pleasure this year to welcome you to Cable Congress 2013 in London, Europe’s undisputed Digital Capital while we hold our flagship event in one of the most connected cities in the world. Last year I was a guest at Cable Congress while this year I welcome you as one of the hosts – change, one of the givens in industry that keeps us all on our toes.

Personal Invitation from Matthias Kurth

Dear Friends,

It is my great pleasure this year to welcome you to Cable Congress 2013 in London, Europe’s undisputed Digital Capital while we hold our flagship event in one of the most connected cities in the world. Last year I was a guest at Cable Congress while this year I welcome you as one of the hosts – change, one of the givens in industry that keeps us all on our toes.

The cable industry is ultimately a consumer driven business and the European consumer is sophisticated, connected and certainly not interested in waiting around for content. Our job is to deliver on that consumer experience when they want it, where they want it and how they want it. The fibre-rich high speed networks that we’re known for play an important if not sometimes invisible role in this regard.

You can be sure that our spectacular line-up of CEO interviews will touch on all of the business strategies built around staying a step ahead of consumer needs. You will also have an unmissable meeting of the minds as CTOs make a transatlantic bridge connecting the technology to the consumer. And it won’t surprise you to see how much our business is content-driven. We are proud of our premium content and to demonstrate this, you will be treated the premier of a series from a very big player in the content market.

Have a great time, do be sure to take advantage of the best networking date on the calendar and remember why you’re here: Cable is that unique crossroads of technology and content that keeps the consumers entertained, informed and connected – just like this year’s Cable Congress.

Best regards,

Matthias Kurth
Executive Chairman
Cable Europe