Data Revolution & Data Regulation: Connecting the Privacy Dots

Did you think the GDPR was the end of the privacy debate? Think again. As Europe gears-up to shape the 2019-2024 policy agenda, the policy discussion on data protection and privacy has never been so vibrant. Come learn how data-based innovation is reshaping Europe’s industrial sectors and empowering citizens.








Did you think the GDPR was the end of the privacy debate? Think again. As Europe gears-up to shape the 2019-2024 policy agenda, the policy discussion on data protection and privacy has never been so vibrant. Come learn how data-based innovation is reshaping Europe’s industrial sectors and empowering citizens.

he expert debate will be hosted by MEPs Franc Bogovic (EPP), Ana Gomes (S&D), Emilian Pavel (S&D) and Catherine Stihler (S&D) and will take place on May 16th, from 08.30 to 10.00h, at the European Parliament.

The discussion will be animated by: Despina Spanou, Director, Directorate H – Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, DG Connect, European Commission, Dr. Andreas Zolper, Group Privacy, Deutsche Telekom AG and Sebastien Deletaille, Co-Founder and CEO of RIAKTR and will be moderated by Catherine Stupp, Reporter at EURACTIV. 

They will be joined by LIBE, JURI, IMCO and ITRE policy advisors from the political groups and committee secretariats, as well as Council, European Commission and perm reps players. Relevant industry representatives will participate as well, in order to have all three dimensions of the topic in the room.

Data revolutions. Consumers are taking-up more and more data-based services, a wealth of industrial sectors is being empowered and transformed by data-analytics and global competition to achieve data-based leadership is taking up.

The value of the European data economy could reach up to 740 billion euros, or 4% of the European Union’s total GDP by 2020. Smart solutions such as big data analytics, the Internet of Things, and connected driving have the potential to trigger a fourth industrial revolution. The backbone of this data revolution rests on communication networks for the transmission of large volumes of data.

Data regulations. Against this background, the European Union is about to advance a new e-Privacy Regulation, with Parliament, Council and Commission soon entering a delicate and decisive phase of political negotiations. At the same time, Europe’s small and big businesses are about to revolutionise their use of personal data by implementing the GDPR.

What will you learn. How relevant are data-based services for non-digital businesses? Are Europe’s industrial sectors really tapping into the data opportunity? Which specific use cases are being developed? How will they be impacted under possible new ePrivacy rules? How will they interact with existing data rules, such as the GDPR?

We will explore how ongoing policy actions may influence the ability for the industry and its partners to make the most out of the data economy and provide Europeans with innovative solutions and high-class networks based on data analytics.

Who is this workshop for. MEPs, policy advisers, Council and all EU policymakers and policy-shapers who want to learn more about real-life use cases, products and services being used and developed by European companies.

This event is part of the Digital4Smarties workshop series developed with our partner, EU40.

Did you miss the previous #Digital4Smarties workshops? The main takeaways are available at this LINK.

Follow the discussion on Twitter via #ePrivacy.

Attendance is by invitation only. Please write to for registrations and more information.