Digital4Smarties: The Age of the Digital Consumer

The European Parliament is stepping-up its efforts on crucial reforms in the field of digital, telecoms and privacy. The European Electronic Communications Code and the e-Privacy Regulation will re-shape Europe’s digital markets for the decade to come. In this context, EU40, the network of young MEPs, and ETNO would like to organise a debate on this timely topic.

Digital4Smarties.pngThe European Parliament is stepping-up its efforts on crucial reforms in the field of digital, telecoms and privacy. The European Electronic Communications Code and the e-Privacy Regulation will re-shape Europe’s digital markets for the decade to come. In this context, EU40, the network of young MEPs, and ETNO would like to organise a debate on this timely topic.

As policymakers craft regulation, we would like to discuss about the priorities of the European citizens when it comes to their digital consumption habits. What are they favourite communications channels today? How do they see the use of their personal data? What do they value the most when using digital networks? Are they the beneficiaries of enough innovative services? How can we spur choice and innovation in EU markets?

Come discuss with experts, consumer representatives, industry leaders and legislators about the future of digital networks and services in Europe.

The breakfast debate will take place on the 26th of April 2017 (Wed), from 8.00 to 9.30 AM at the European Parliament.

To register for the event, please click here.

Amongst the speakers:

  • Dita Charanzová, Rapporteur, Electronic Communications Code, IMCO Committee (Host);
  • Vicky Ford, Chairwoman, IMCO Committee (Host);
  • Marju Lauristin, Rapporteur, e-Privacy Regulation, LIBE Committee;
  • Gerd Callewaert, Managing Director, IPSOS, President, Belgian Federation of Market Intelligence;
  • Guillermo Beltra, Head of Legal and Economic Department, BEUC;
  • Steven Tas, Chairman, ETNO;
  • Philippe Defraigne, Founding Director, Cullen International (moderator).

The #Digital4Smarties series is organised by EU40 and ETNO.

More information regarding the first workshop are available at this LINK.
An overview of the second workshop can be accessed via this LINK

Follow the discussion on twitter via the following hashtag: #EUtelcoR.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!