Disruptive innovation & society: a balancing act

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Disruptive innovations — such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), quantum computing or blockchain — have already started to transform our societies and a breadth of industries from financial services to advertising, logistics, health, transport, food, even governments. These innovations have the potential to boost growth, investment, sustainability but also well-being in Europe.
However, these disruptors are raising a multitude of social and ethical questions on issues such as data protection, jobs, liability, security, safety, and more. The final results in the Man vs. Machine race will be in part up to the decision of policy-makers and the way they work with civil society and industry in designing a framework that sees the benefits of technology work for Europe’s citizens.

  • What are the opportunities and threats of these new technologies for growth and employment?
  • How can we make disruptive innovation a friend rather than a foe?
  • How can the gains of technological innovation be better distributed across the population and benefit the many rather than the few?
  • What skills will the workers of tomorrow need to get on board the “fourth industrial revolution”?

POLITICO is convening a high-level panel discussion to assess the disruptive effect of new technologies and discuss how this disruption can be turned into opportunities for society at large.

The event will take place on Monday, November 26, at the Autoworld, Brussels. 


5:00 PM  Registration

5:30 PM  Welcome remarks by POLITICO’s Master of Ceremony

  • Mark Scott, Chief Technology Correspondent, POLITICO

5:35 PM Opening TED-Talk: Artificial Intelligence, 5G and the future of human communications

  • Elisabetta Romano, Chief Technology Officer, TIM

5:43 PM  Panel Discussion

  • Gianpiero Lotito, CEO, FacilityLive
  • Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President, European Research Council
  • Thiébaut Weber, Confederal Secretary, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

6:30 PM  Closing Remarks followed by Networking Reception