ETNO #ThinkDigital Debate - Special General Assembly Edition, Sofia

Programme09.00 – 09.05 ¬ Keynote address Valery Borissov, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Bulgaria


09.00 – 09.05 ¬ Keynote address 
Valery Borissov, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Bulgaria

09.10 – 10.40 ¬ Panel 1: Broadband deployment & the growth of the digital ecosystem
Keynote Introduction: Anthony Whelan, Director, DG Connect
Panel debate:
Valery Borissov, Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Bulgaria
Adrian Whitchurch, Vice President for European Affairs, BT
Tiziana Talevi, Director Regulatory Affairs, Fastweb
Matthias Kurth, Executive Chairman, Cable Europe
Marta Neves, Head of Regulation, PT Portugal

10:40 – 11:00 ¬ Coffee break

11:00 – 12:30 ¬ Panel 2: Policy and regulation in the age of online platforms
Keynote Introduction: Eva Paunova, Member of the European Parliament
Panel debate:
Steven Tas, Executive Board Chair, ETNO
Carlos Rodriguez Cocina, Director & Head of Brussels Office, Telefonica
Fabrizio Porrino, VP Global Public Affairs, FacilityLive Founding member of the European Tech Alliance​
Steve Conlon, Economic Officer, US Mission to the EU​

Event moderated by: Frances Robinson, Journalist

Follow the debate on twitter using #ThinkDigitalGA