ETNO #ThinkDigital Summer Debate - The Association Pitch

A Midsummer Night's Debate on the Digital Single Market The European Commission has recently launched its Digital Single Market Strategy Communication. The policy document is structured around 3 main pillars: Better online access to digital goods and services; An environment where digital networks and services can prosper; Digital as a driver for growth.Come and get a brief on what players in the digital value chain think about it.

A Midsummer Night's Debate on the Digital Single Market 

The European Commission has recently launched its Digital Single Market Strategy Communication. The policy document is structured around 3 main pillars: Better online access to digital goods and services; An environment where digital networks and services can prosper; Digital as a driver for growth.

Come and get a brief on what players in the digital value chain think about it.

Before the summer break, ETNO invites Brussels’ leading tech associations for an open discussion on how they see the Strategy and the next steps that can bring it to life:

  • How can trade associations help to make the Digital Single Market a reality?
  • Do they agree with the priorities set by policymakers?
  • What’s the first assessment on the main strengths and weaknesses of the Strategy?

A summer reception will follow.


16.00 ¬ Registration

16.15 ¬ Welcome & Introduction
Steven Tas, Executive Board Chairman, ETNO

16.30 ¬ Views from the Luxembourgish Presidency of the EU
Georges Friden, Deputy Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the EU

16.45 ¬ The Association pitch
Ursula Pachl, Deputy Director General, BEUC 
Caroline Van Weede, Managing Director, Cable Europe 
Jakob Kucharczyk, Director, CCIA Europe 
Peter Olson, President, Digital Europe 
Erzsébet Fitori, Director, ECTA
Laszlo Toth, Senior Director, GSMA 

Moderator: Ryan Heath, Associate Editor, Politico Europe

17.45 ¬ Open Debate with the Association panel

18.30 ¬ Summer Reception


Le Chalet Robinson, Sentier de l'Embarcadère 1, 1000, Brussels, Belgium


Registrations for this event are now closed.