Filling the ICT skills gap in the Telecommunications sector of the future (FITS)

The ICT Skills Workshop will be the final activity of the FITS project to which many ETNO members and UNI Europa affiliates have actively contributed. The conference will highlight the outcome of the academic and field research by Breyer Publico consultants on the current and expected ICT skills gaps in the telecommunications sector.

The ICT Skills Workshop will be the final activity of the FITS project to which many ETNO members and UNI Europa affiliates have actively contributed. The conference will highlight the outcome of the academic and field research by Breyer Publico consultants on the current and expected ICT skills gaps in the telecommunications sector.

The Breyer Publico report unveils the skills associated with rapidly changing business challenges and ever-present technological advances. It then moves on to recognise that the European telecommunications industry despite and sometimes because of fierce competition deploys pockets of good practice in the search for solutions to identify, recruit and retain highly skilled staff.

The key findings of the report identify twenty-six skill topics that are critical to the future of the telecommunications industry and it concludes with the provision of five key recommendations to address the unrelenting requirement to develop a highly skilled workforce.

  • The FITS project and its workshop will allow an exchange of the above analysis between European telecom operators and their partners (training providers, education...), to support mutual understanding of future industry skill requirements, and
  • Facilitates the collection and sharing of best practice for training and reskilling (particularly those over 40), recruiting competent talent for the future and attracting more females into ICT employment.

More information and the workshop agenda can be found here.

Photos can be found here.