FT-ETNO Summit 2013

One Single Telecom Market for Europe?The European Commission’s bid to create a unified telecoms market for Europe has come at a critical time for the EU's telecoms industry. The sector is continuing to experience a decline in revenues, putting at risk its capacity to invest in next-generation mobile and fibre-line access. The Commission’s latest proposals are intended to foster greater competition and investment in the EU telecoms industry, igniting innovation and growth.

One Single Telecom Market for Europe?

The European Commission’s bid to create a unified telecoms market for Europe has come at a critical time for the EU's telecoms industry. The sector is continuing to experience a decline in revenues, putting at risk its capacity to invest in next-generation mobile and fibre-line access. The Commission’s latest proposals are intended to foster greater competition and investment in the EU telecoms industry, igniting innovation and growth.

At this key juncture, the Financial Times and ETNO are delighted to host a Summit featuring policy makers, industry leaders, start-ups, innovators and regulators, who will debate the progress of the Commission's plans and its negotiations with the sector, with a focus on what needs to happen to restore Europe’s competitiveness on the global stage. 

The Summit will open with a keynote speech by Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Digital Agenda, French Minister delegate for SMEs, innovation and digital economy Fleur Pellerin, Executive Chair for ETNO Luigi Gambardella and ETNO Director Daniel Pataki and will feature opinions from leading voices from across the sector. Chaired by the Financial Times Telecoms Editor Dan Thomas, there will be a strong emphasis on frank and high-level discussion.

Confirmed speakers include:

Luigi Gambardella, Executive Chairman, ETNO
Timotheus Höttges, Chief Financial Officer, Deutsche Telekom
Hakam Kanafani, Group CEO, Türk Telekom
Stéphane Richard, Chairman and CEO, Orange
Randall Stephenson, Chairman and CEO, AT&T

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