ICT & Web Entrepreneurship: How to keep the creative class in the EU?

Several prominent start-ups have come from the EU in the past years, and some of the more successful ones face almost immediate pressure to relocate operations outside Europe. Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies, which operate in the field of ICT and use the internet as a platform, face especially difficult challenges in Europe today.

Several prominent start-ups have come from the EU in the past years, and some of the more successful ones face almost immediate pressure to relocate operations outside Europe. Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial companies, which operate in the field of ICT and use the internet as a platform, face especially difficult challenges in Europe today.

This seminar highlights the stories of two exciting start-ups: Rovio with its Angry Birds (Finland) and Nmusic (Portugal). Come and listen to their stories, and learn from leading policy makers how the EU plans to keep the "creative class" in Europe!

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