Information and Communications Technology 2013 conference

ICT2013 will bring together Europe's best & brightest in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) research, with businesses old & new, web start-ups and digital strategists to chart a path for Europe's ICT research policy.

ICT2013 will bring together Europe's best & brightest in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) research, with businesses old & new, web start-ups and digital strategists to chart a path for Europe's ICT research policy.

The ICT 2013 event will be the first opportunity to learn the details of research funding for ICT-related projects under Horizon 2020, the EU's new research program for 2014-2020. The European Commission proposed an €80 billion package for research & innovation funding, as part of the drive to create sustainable growth and new jobs in Europe.

Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda will open the ICT2013 conference.

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