Making #Sustainability Smarter

GeSI-ETNO event on digital technologies and the Sustainable Development Goals
Brussels – November 12, 2019

GeSI-ETNO event on digital technologies and the Sustainable Development Goals

Brussels – November 12, 2019

Sustainable development is on top of political agendas around the world. In the EU, it is among the new European Commission’s top priorities, including President von der Leyen’s “Agenda for Europe”. How high are the stakes for global companies? Are there political majorities for pushing ambitious plans? Is technology a booster or an obstacle to achieving the SDGs?

Join the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) and ETNO, Europe’s leading telecoms association, for a conversation on the political, industrial, market and consumer angle on sustainability and digital goals. The event will be the official European launch of the reportDigital with Purpose – delivering a SMARTer 2030”, prepared by Deloitte for GeSI.

9.30 – 10.15: Keynote Panel Tech, telecoms & SDGs: strategy, markets, policy

  • James Gowen, Chief Sustainability Officer, Verizon Group & Chairman, GeSI 
  • Claire Bury, Deputy Director General, DG Connect, European Commission 
  • Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO 
  • Erzsébet Fitori, Director General, FTTH Council Europe 

10.15 – 10.45: Report Presentation Digital with Purpose – Delivering a Smarter 2030

GeSI and Deloitte will present the results of their innovative, new study on SDGs and the ICT industry. A truly inspiring thought-leadership piece pushing the tech and telecoms industry to become the ultimate SDG-booster.

  • Luis Neves, Managing Director, GeSI 
  • Rafi Addlestone, Manager and lead author of the "Digital with Purpose" report, Deloitte

Q&A with the audience

10.45 – 11.45: Tech Panel Making Sustainability Happen: a market view

Consumers, companies, innovators. If the SDGs are to become reality, all actors need to commit and take concrete action. How can we make the difference? Which initiatives are being undertaken by organisations? What are the expected impacts and deliverables?

  • Sophie Peresson, Director, Innovation for All, ICC
  • Birgit Klesper, Senior Vice President of Group Corporate Responsibility, Deutsche Telekom 
  • Olga Sihmane, Head of Public Affairs Brussels, Telia Company
  • Yannis Salavopoulos, MBA, MSc., Managing Director, Global Sustain GmbH

11.45 – 12.30: Fireside Chat From objectives to practice: a guide

How are organisations re-wiring their structure and objectives to turn into sustainable businesses?

  • Dr. Kirsten Dunlop, CEO, EIT Climate-KIC 
  • Emilie Wedell-Wedellsborg, Department Director TDC Group Sustainability 

Moderated by: Jennifer Baker, Journalist 
Venue: The Hotel, Boulevard de Waterloo 38, Brussels

Registrations for the event are now closed.