Regulating Privacy in Digital Times

We live in digital times and regulating for privacy is essential. Trust and innovation are the pillars of a better and more prosperous society.
Come join us for an exclusive dialogue between those who make the rules and those who develop products and services on September 6th, from 12.00 to 13.30h, at the Members Salon of the European Parliament.

Digital4Smarties.pngWe live in digital times and regulating for privacy is essential. Trust and innovation are the pillars of a better and more prosperous society.

Come join us for an exclusive dialogue between those who make the rules and those who develop products and services on September 6th, from 12.00 to 13.30h, at the Members Salon of the European Parliament.

The expert panel will be co-hosted by the following MEPs:

  • Marju Lauristin (S&D) 
  • Peter Kouroumbashev (S&D)
  • Daniel Dalton (ECR)

We will bring together data protection officers, product and service developers and lawmakers for an open discussion on values, technology, growth and innovation. We will debate, among others, the new e-Privacy Regulation and its interplay with existing law, including the General Data Protection Regulation.

Presentations by: 

  • Claus Ulmer, Global Data Privacy Officer, Deutsche Telekom 
  • Stefano Fratta, Legal Director Consumer Big Data, Telefónica 

The discussion will be animated by:

  • Despina Spanou, Director, Directorate H – Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, DG Connect, European Commission
    Rosa Barcelo, Deputy Head of Unit, Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy, DG Connect, European Commission
  • Shadow Rapporteurs
  • Permanent Representations
  • European Commission experts
  • Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO

The discussion will be moderated by Magnus Franklin, Chief Coreespondent, Telecoms, MLex.

The tech expert debate will bring together the relevant MEPs, LIBE, JURI, IMCO and ITRE policy advisors from the political groups and committee secretariats, as well as Council, European Commission and perm reps players. Some relevant industry representatives will participate as well, in order to have all three dimensions of the topic in the room.

The discussion is part of #Digital4Smarties, a series of thematic workshops on the chapters of the telecoms reform package, organised by EU40 and ETNO.

More information regarding the first workshop is available at this LINK.

An overview of the second workshop can be accessed via this LINK.

The main take-aways from the third workshop are available at this LINK.

Join the discussion on Twitter by using the hashtag #ePrivacy.

Attendance is by invitation only. Please write to for registrations and more information.