Seminar: an M2M Future

TeliaSonera, the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, and the TeliaSonera Institute at SSE Riga cordially invite you and members of your organisation to attend a seminar focused on M2M and the Internet of Things.17:30 - 19:00 Tuesday 14/05/2013The Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union, Square de Meeûs 30, BrusselsBy 2020, there will be billions of connected devices in the European Union. What types of devices are they, and how will this impact European competitiveness?

TeliaSonera, the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, and the TeliaSonera Institute at SSE Riga cordially invite you and members of your organisation to attend a seminar focused on M2M and the Internet of Things.

17:30 - 19:00 Tuesday 14/05/2013

The Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union, Square de Meeûs 30, Brussels

By 2020, there will be billions of connected devices in the European Union. What types of devices are they, and how will this impact European competitiveness?

A seminar about what M2M (Machine-to-Machine) involves, and what its extension - the Internet of Things - means for business, innovation, and European competitiveness.


  • Thibaut Kleiner 
    Senior Advisor to EC Vice President Neelie Kroes, and will give the opening address.
  • Erik Kruseis
    Strategic Marketing Manager & Networked Society Evangelist at Ericsson. He is the driving force behind Ericsson’s Networked Society vision, which he will share during the seminar.
  • Hans Dahlberg
    Head of TeliaSonera Global M2M Services, and he will share his extensive experience in this new growth area, spanning from applications to connectivity, and will discuss how it impacts business and the larger society. He will also talk about the operator’s role in M2M.
  • Richard Savage
    Director of Business Development at Qualcomm Europe. Qualcomm is a true thought leader in the area of the “Internet of Things” and has launched several innovative solutions in, for example, eHealth and Smart Energy, which Richard will address during his speech.

The seminar will be followed by a reception.

Machine-to-machine, and its extension, the Internet of Things - will be incorporated into everything around us. Work, education, play, health care - quite simply, it will be a part of our everyday life.

The M2M ecosystem is growing rapidly and could serve as an important driver for European economic growth and competitiveness in the years to come. Spurred by new business applications and innovations, this trend is accelerating and affecting more and more businesses and industries, and hence our daily lives. Policy makers across the world are looking to understand its impact and how they could relate to the development of connected societies

For the European telecoms, slowing revenues for traditional services have given extra impetus to the need for operators to seek out growth opportunities such as M2M – thereby re-shaping the telecom landscape.  But the impact goes far beyond the telecom sector and could be a driving force for European competitiveness.

In the light of the Digital Agenda for Europe, the Seminar will, in a non-technical way, inform and educate on how the growing Internet of Things will impact the way business is done and industries are organised. In addition, it will highlight the opportunities and challenges this development brings to European competitiveness and sustainable economic growth.

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