CP88 - ETNO Common Position on the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15)

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Download the full Common Position Paper here.

Executive Summary

With the 2015 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) approaching, ETNO urges European regulators to recognize the key role of the Conference decisions for the mobile industry. Availability of sufficient spectrum is a precondition for the development of mobile broadband, which is an important driver of economic growth in all European Member States.

ETNO would like to stress the following points regarding the WRC-15 Agenda Items which are most relevant from the operators’ point of view:

  • Agenda Item 1.1: ETNO believes that there is a strong need for additional identification of spectrum for IMT in order to satisfy the ever increasing data traffic in mobile broadband networks.
  • Agenda Item 1.2: ETNO expects the final confirmation of the allocation to the Mobile Service and identification for IMT systems of the band 694-790 MHz, as well as an agreement on regulatory conditions that do not hinder the development of 700 MHz mobile broadband networks across Europe.
  • Agenda Item 1.3: PPDR use must not constrain commercial IMT networks in the globally harmonised IMT bands by exclusive reservations. PPDR communications can be successfully provided via commercial networks.
  • Agenda Item 10: The agenda for WRC-19 shall contain an Agenda Item to identify/allocate additional spectrum for IMT-2020/5G. Bands out of the whole range from 6 to 100 GHz – in particular the part below 24.5 GHz – shall be studied by the ITU-R.


The World Radiocommunication Conferences represent fundamental opportunities for the development of the global radio sector, to update the Radio Regulations and to provide the global regulatory basis for the development of mobile radio services.

The European Digital Agenda has recognized the impact of ICT on innovation and economic growth, and has set bold broadband targets, which should be met by 2020. Moreover, the recent Digital Single Market Strategy of the European Commission has underlined the importance of mobile connectivity for the future of the European digital economy.

Already today, many European citizens expect to have high-speed internet access whenever and wherever. Media consumption has exploded and is still rapidly increasing in the mobile broadband segment. In addition, the Internet of Things will multiply the number of devices relying on mobile networks in the coming years.

Mobile network operators are constantly working on adapting the capacity of their networks to accommodate the ever increasing data traffic. Densification of network structures and deployment of more efficient innovative technologies are basic measures to respond to the “data tsunami”. However, without additional allocation/identification of IMT spectrum it will not be possible to secure the provision of future mobile broadband services in an economical manner and meet the expectations of consumers.

Harmonisation of frequency ranges and usage is a success factor for viable commercial mobile services. Only a WRC can allocate spectrum on a global basis and identify it for IMT, which is the best solution for the development of a harmonised technology and harmonised mobile services. Without a WRC decision there are no real harmonised “global bands”, nor harmonised mobile services (economies of scale) and hence no real market success for mobile services in a certain frequency band. In particular, identification of a band for IMT provides a decisive signal to industry players that this band is intended for use by technologies of the IMT family, and hence constitutes a reliable basis for investment.

ETNO has contributed to the European preparatory work for the WRC-15 and developed positions for the Agenda Items relevant to mobile network operators. These positions are presented in this paper.

ETNO urges European regulators to recognize the crucial role of WRC-15 decisions to the mobile industry. Availability of sufficient spectrum is a precondition for the development of mobile broadband which is an important driver of economic growth in all European Member States.


Download the full Common Position Paper here.