EC085 - ETNO Expert Contribution on “Draft ECC Report 86 – Draft Report on Consumer Abuses and Fraud Issues relating to High Tariff Services

ETNO supports the intent of the ECC Report but by making both general and detailed comments, it seeks to demonstrate that other actions are required to address abuse and fraud. There are omissions from the Report that need to be addressed for it to be comprehensive and complete. Not enough is made of the role of revenue sharing or the lack of an appropriate regime that high tariffs numbers exist in.

ETNO supports the intent of the ECC Report but by making both general and detailed comments, it seeks to demonstrate that other actions are required to address abuse and fraud. There are omissions from the Report that need to be addressed for it to be comprehensive and complete. Not enough is made of the role of revenue sharing or the lack of an appropriate regime that high tariffs numbers exist in.

The ECC Report presents a limited review of the issues and possible remedies associated with abuse and fraud.  There are omissions from the report that need to be addressed for it to be comprehensive and complete. Not enough is made of the role of revenue sharing or the lack of an appropriate regime that high tariffs numbers exist in.  ETNO supports the intent of the report, but by making both general and detailed comments, it seeks to demonstrate that other actions are required to address abuse and fraud.  If the report were to address these other issues, e.g. being able to correctly identify legitimate numbers, the report would be more complete.