EC090 - Expert Contribution to the ITU-SG2 Correspondence Group on Child Helplines and Emergency Harmonisation, responding to proposed contribution TD CH

A paper circulated to the ITU Child Helpline and Emergency Harmonisation Correspondence Group, written by the ITU-T SG2 Chair is a proposed input paper to the next SG2 meeting. This ETNO Expert Contribution paper proposes a response submitted by the ETNO Office to the Correspondence Group, outlining certain issues and raising further questions over the source material.Read more

A paper circulated to the ITU Child Helpline and Emergency Harmonisation Correspondence Group, written by the ITU-T SG2 Chair is a proposed input paper to the next SG2 meeting. This ETNO Expert Contribution paper proposes a response submitted by the ETNO Office to the Correspondence Group, outlining certain issues and raising further questions over the source material.

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