EC099 - ETNO Expert Contribution in reply to the Public consultation “Towards a Strengthened Network and Information Security Policy in Europe”

This is ETNO’s input to the European Commission on the future objectives of a strong and coordinated Network and Information Security Policy.Internet Network and Information Security challenges require a strong, coordinated European response without unnecessary regulatory burdens on e-communications service and network providers. To this end the EU should foster enhanced cooperation at the international level with other entities. A “culture of security” should be promoted among all ICT users.

This is ETNO’s input to the European Commission on the future objectives of a strong and coordinated Network and Information Security Policy.
Internet Network and Information Security challenges require a strong, coordinated European response without unnecessary regulatory burdens on e-communications service and network providers. To this end the EU should foster enhanced cooperation at the international level with other entities. A “culture of security” should be promoted among all ICT users.

With this Expert Contribution ETNO wishes to provide the European Commission with input on the future objectives of a strong and coordinated Network and Information Security Policy at the EU level.

Considering the international nature of the Internet, Network and Information security challenges require a strong, coordinated European response without unnecessary regulatory burdens on e-communications service and network providers.

In order to avoid overlaps with ongoing initiatives and benefit from already agreed principles, the EU should foster enhanced cooperation at the international level with other entities.

There is a clear need for more awareness and understanding of Network and Information Security issues, including the need to develop a “culture of security”.