ETNO Position Paper on the European Commission proposals for WTO disciplines and procedures relating to e-Commerce, and for the Review of the WTO Reference Paper on Telecommunications Services

ETNO is following with great interest the developments at the WTO to define rules for Electronic Commerce and to update the Reference Paper on Telecommunications Services, as well as to negotiate and update specific commitments related to the digital economy.

ETNO is following with great interest the developments at the WTO to define rules for Electronic Commerce and to update the Reference Paper on Telecommunications Services, as well as to negotiate and update specific commitments related to the digital economy.

ETNO supports the view that the e-Commerce negotiations should consider the digital economy more broadly, rather than just ‘e-Commerce’, and define a framework for global disciplines embracing the whole digital ecosystem, including rules for the telecommunications sector, which underpin digital trade and e-Commerce.

The WTO is the right level to agree on a set of requirements for e-Commerce – including competitive safeguards – to foster a new balance to:

1. Promote “same service same rule” as a fundamental principle, irrespective of the underlying technology, the location (local or remote) or the type of company that provides the service; and

2. acknowledge the economic value of data: data itself has and generates economic value, it is the new factor of production. Certain market players control vast amounts of data, which can constitute an entry barrier for new entrants. To ensure this risk is well addressed, data should be considered when analysing dominance and market powers.

With this objective in mind, and in line with previous ETNO position papers on trade issues, ETNO respectfully presents a set of comments and proposals.

Read our position paper in full at the link below.

Read the position paper