ETNO Reflection Document on the draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017 and Work Programme 2015

Download the full Reflection Document here.

  • ETNO welcomes the opportunity to provide its views on BEREC’s draft Strategy for 2015-2017 (BEREC document BoR (14) 119) and draft Work Programme for 2015 (BoR (14) 120). We decided to share our views on both documents in the same file, instead of providing two separate responses.

  • ETNO supports all initiatives aimed at fostering the dialogue between BEREC and stakeholders, such as the Stakeholders’ Forums that BEREC has organized in the past two years. We encourage BEREC to continue engaging in open discussions and increase the transparency of its work, in particular by subjecting its foreseen activities to public consultation.

Comments on the Draft BEREC Strategy 2015-2017 (BoR (14) 119)

a) BEREC’s Strategic Pillars (pp. 3-4)

  • In its first Strategic Pillar, BEREC sets as a primary goal the promotion of competition and investment. ETNO shares the view that investment and innovation in next generation electronic communications infrastructures is a central goal to be targeted by policy-makers and regulators.

  • We therefore encourage BEREC to focus its work in 2015-2017 on incentivising investment in high-speed fixed and mobile broadband infrastructure, ensuring sustainable competition in electronic communications markets.

  • As stressed in our recently released Agenda for Europe, we believe that a lighter and less complex regulatory framework for the rollout of NGA infrastructures, a level playing field among all players of the digital value chain and a new public policy framework for the digital industry can provide the right incentives to maximize investments and innovation in the European digital sector, while improving European citizens’ lives.

  • As a general comment, we also underline that the role of regulatory authorities should be better aligned with the network investment objectives and a new, cohesive and light-touch regulatory and legislative framework, fit for the digital reality, should be put in place.


Download the full Reflection Document here.