ETNO response to the Commission’s public consultation on ‘’Designing mobile phones and tablets to be sustainable – ecodesign’’

ETNO welcomes the European Commission’s (EC) initiative to look into two new initiatives aimed to make mobile phones and tablets more energy efficient and to improve their material efficiency.
European telecommunication companies have high ambitions to include sustainability and circular economy measures as essential core elements into their business.

ETNO welcomes the European Commission’s (EC) initiative to look into two new initiatives aimed to make mobile phones and tablets more energy efficient and to improve their material efficiency.

European telecommunication companies have high ambitions to include sustainability and circular economy measures as essential core elements into their business.

Mobile phones and tablets are important parts of the business through which connectivity services become useable by customers. Here the telco industry needs to rely on the supply chain, and it has been requesting to its partners in the supply chain to include more sustainability features into their hardware design. This encompasses several aspects which include, inter alia, durability, longevity, and reparability, and which are also defined as objectives by the EC in its EU Circular Economy Action plan.

Market transparency is the first step to establish these sustainable design aspects in the industry. The leading companies Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, Telia Company and Vodafone are the founding members of the Eco Rating consortium (more info here The ambition is to create a holistic methodology that combines the various aspects of the ecological performance into an easy to understand score plus sub-scores related to durability, reparability, recyclability as well as climate and resource efficiency.

Download the questionnaire at this link.


Read the position paper