ETNO response to RSPG Consultation on the Draft RSPG Opinion on ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference 2023
ETNO appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the consultation on the Draft RSPG Opinion on ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23).
ETNO appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the consultation on the Draft RSPG Opinion on ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23).
With the WRC-23, ETNO would like to stress the key role of the Conference decisions for the mobile industry. The outcome of WRC-23 will be paramount to achieve a predictable supply of new harmonized spectrum to enable the growth of the mobile broadband, which is an important driver of economic growth in all European Member States. In particular, WRC-23 decisions will be critical for the future performance and deployment of IMT technologies and services.
Sufficient spectrum availability in low, mid, and high spectrum bands with feasible conditions are crucial for ensuring investments needed to provide high quality mobile services for society also in future. European society is dependent on broadband connectivity and demand is continuously increasing. Mobile operators are committed to deliver the ambitious EU digital decade targets 2030, but mobile market has to be sustainable to ensure investments in increased coverage and capacity. European policy makers have had a strong focus on ensuring competition and low customer prices, which has also led to the situation that European mobile market has lower revenues, and slower 5G take-off compared to the North American and East Asian peers. We request regulators and politicians to ensure that the WRC-23 decisions support the mobile market to deliver the EU targets and customer demands.