October 2005 RD228 - ETNO Reflection Document on the draft ERG 2006 Work ProgrammeÂ

Transparency should remain a key issue for the work of the ERG in 2006. ETNO welcomes increased efforts by ERG decision makers to engage in a dialogue with market players. ETNO invites the ERG to identify deregulation as a priority for its work in 2006.

Transparency should remain a key issue for the work of the ERG in 2006. ETNO welcomes increased efforts by ERG decision makers to engage in a dialogue with market players. ETNO invites the ERG to identify deregulation as a priority for its work in 2006.

  • Transparency should remain a key issue for the work of the ERG in 2006. ETNO welcomes increased efforts by ERG decision makers to engage in a dialogue with market players. Furthermore, a continuous exchange with industry at all stages of the discussion process should be established.
  • Public documents by ERG which include important policy observations should be consulted upon. This also applies to ERG reports.
  • ETNO invites the ERG to identify deregulation as a priority for its work in 2006. The draft WP contains important regulatory devel-opments as work items for 2006. On these issues, ETNO would welcome guidance to NRAs on how to effectively reduce regulation where competition is expected to develop and to credibly commit to non-intervention in new markets.