RD196 - ETNO Reflection Document in response to the Questionnaire for industry prepared by IDATE, AEGIS and BIRD & BIRD on behalf of the European Commission on availability of information on radio spectrum in the European Union.

ETNO would like to summarize its views regarding the availability of spectrum information...As follows:

ETNO would like to summarize its views regarding the availability of spectrum information...

As follows:

  • Spectrum Information should be provided by the National Spectrum Management Authorities in a harmonised table format, preferably defined by a CEPT/ECC relevant Working Group.
  • Information should include frequency bands, national allocations and applications, references to international regulations, national rules and terms of usage.
  • Very useful for the industry would also be to obtain information on the strategic plans of the relevant National Spectrum Management Authority and on licence holders in case secondary trading of spectrum rights of use is implemented.
  • Information on licence fees, administrative fees and auction prices should be provided as well.