RD239 - ETNO Reflection Document on the draft WIPO Treaty on the Protection of Broadcasting Organisations

ETNO Members share serious concerns regarding the draft Treaty which are linked to the document’s failure adequately to distinguish different technologies. In order to guarantee a technology-neutral approach, the text needs to be revised so that closed telecoms networks are clearly covered.

ETNO Members share serious concerns regarding the draft Treaty which are linked to the document’s failure adequately to distinguish different technologies. In order to guarantee a technology-neutral approach, the text needs to be revised so that closed telecoms networks are clearly covered.

ETNO Members share serious concerns regarding the draft Treaty which are linked to the document’s failure adequately to distinguish different technologies.

In order to guarantee a technology-neutral approach, the text needs to be revised so that closed telecoms networks are clearly covered.

At the same time, an optional annex on “webcasting” should be deleted so that the public Internet is not covered.  Failing this, the Treaty will undermine the network’s role as an open platform for any-to-any communication with global reach.  In other words, it will threaten the very features which have established the network as a key enabler of economic and cultural development.

ETNO Members believe that this threat is accentuated by an over-wide definition of “webcasting”, and the proposal to allow member states to address webcasting on an optional basis.  This procedure will not allow for due process and is incompatible with the integrated global nature of the public Internet.