RD249 - ETNO Reflection Document on the draft ERG 2007 Work Programme

ETNO welcomes the very significant improvements in the transparency of ERG work, which risks however being undermined by the blurring of IRG and ERG activity. ETNO invites the ERG and the European Commission to develop a clearer idea of what kind of harmonisation is desirable to ensure an adequate and proportionate implementation of the regulatory framework. The objectives of further ERG work on harmonisation are not clearly outlined in the Work Programme. Furthermore, work on innovative and emerging markets should be guided by a bias against intervention.

ETNO welcomes the very significant improvements in the transparency of ERG work, which risks however being undermined by the blurring of IRG and ERG activity. ETNO invites the ERG and the European Commission to develop a clearer idea of what kind of harmonisation is desirable to ensure an adequate and proportionate implementation of the regulatory framework. The objectives of further ERG work on harmonisation are not clearly outlined in the Work Programme. Furthermore, work on innovative and emerging markets should be guided by a bias against intervention.

  • ETNO welcomes the very significant improvements under the outgoing ERG Chairmanship in the field of transparency of ERG work.
  • The ERG’s efforts to act in a more transparent and accountable fashion risk being undermined by the blurring of IRG and ERG activity respectively, which under the proposed Work Programme for 2007 would again become a concern.
  • ETNO invites the ERG and the European Commission to develop a clearer idea of what kind of harmonisation is desirable to ensure an adequate and proportionate implementation of the framework in EU Member States. The objectives of further ERG work on harmonisation are not clearly outlined in the Work Programme and should be transparent before embarking on harmonisation measures in specific areas.
  • Work on innovative and emerging market areas should be guided by a bias against intervention, in order not to freeze technological developments and hamper new forms of competition.