RD252 - ETNO Reflection Document on the ERG IP interconnection consultation

ETNO believes it is premature to predict how points of interconnection and interconnection rates will be affected by a future NGN interconnection structure. A well-functioning interconnection market will find its own balance. The move towards NGN has the potential of removing existing bottlenecks; basic conditions to favour this are the existence of competition and the reliance on market forces. ETNO is therefore concerned about the underlying tendency to intervene on issues such as technical interfaces, protocols, technologies or QoS.

ETNO believes it is premature to predict how points of interconnection and interconnection rates will be affected by a future NGN interconnection structure. A well-functioning interconnection market will find its own balance. The move towards NGN has the potential of removing existing bottlenecks; basic conditions to favour this are the existence of competition and the reliance on market forces. ETNO is therefore concerned about the underlying tendency to intervene on issues such as technical interfaces, protocols, technologies or QoS.

- ETNO believes it is premature to predict how points of interconnection and interconnection rates will be affected by a future NGN interconnection structure. A well-functioning interconnection market will lead to an adequate number of interconnection points and find its own price points.
- The move towards NGN has the potential of removing existing bottlenecks; basic conditions to favour this are the existence of competition and the reliance on market forces. ETNO is therefore concerned about the underlying tendency to intervene in issues such as technical interfaces, protocols, technologies or QoS.
- Customers’ acceptance together with economic efficiency as a whole should be determining the choice of the best suitable billing regime.