RD253 - ETNO Reflection Document on “Issues arising from discussions on Numbering Resources for Child Helpline International”

ITU signed an MoU with Child Helpline International (CHI). Subsequent activities in ITU T SG2 have raised a number of issues associated with the possible allocation of numbering resources that require clarification, if any implementation is to be successful in support of CHI.

ITU signed an MoU with Child Helpline International (CHI).  Subsequent activities in ITU T SG2 have raised a number of issues associated with the possible allocation of numbering resources that require clarification, if any implementation is to be successful in support of CHI.

The MoU signed between the ITU and Child Helpline International (CHI) gave rise to activities in ITU T SG2, the lead Study Group on Numbering.  Subsequent events have created a number of issues associated with the possible allocation of numbering resources that require clarification if any implementation is to be successful.  This paper presents an overview of the issues that require resolution if numbering resources are to be successfully implemented in support of CHI.