RD259 - ETNO Reflection Document on “Baseline Security for Network Operators”
This paper presents an overview of issues that require resolution and a proposal for amendments to the text developed by the Focus Group on Baseline Security for Network Operators set up under ITU-T Study Group 17. Changes are prosposed particularly to the technical and collaboration baseline sections of the draft guidelines.
This paper presents an overview of issues that require resolution and a proposal for amendments to the text developed by the Focus Group on Baseline Security for Network Operators set up under ITU-T Study Group 17. Changes are prosposed particularly to the technical and collaboration baseline sections of the draft guidelines.
The ITU-T Study Group 17 set up a Focus Group (FG) on Baseline Security for Network Operators with the objective to develop such security baseline. Participation in this activity is encouraged of members of other standards organisations, including experts and individuals who may not be members of ITU. An operators’s implementation of the developed recommended practices may be a factor that other operators, users and law enforrcement authorities take into account in determining a network operator’s readiness and ability to provide secure network services. The Focus Group is submitting for approval as ITU-T standard a new Recommendation, with the provisional title of X.Sbno, that could have an impact on the activities of ETNO Members. This paper presents an overview of issues that require resolution and a proposal for amendments to the current text developed by the Focus Group. Changes are prosposed particularly to the technical and collaboration baseline sections of the draft guidelines.