RD282 - ETNO Reflection Document in reply to the European Commission consultation on “Creative Conditional Access”
This is ETNO's reply to the Conditional Access Consultation. In ETNO’s view, cross-border pay-TV markets are, and will remain, fragmented mainly because of the linguistic factor and therefore there is no significant commercial interest in developing these broadcasting markets. The risk of overlapping regulation between different areas, such as between Conditional Access and Digital Right Management systems, should be carefully avoided.
This is ETNO's reply to the Conditional Access Consultation. In ETNO’s view, cross-border pay-TV markets are, and will remain, fragmented mainly because of the linguistic factor and therefore there is no significant commercial interest in developing these broadcasting markets. The risk of overlapping regulation between different areas, such as between Conditional Access and Digital Right Management systems, should be carefully avoided.
ETNO shares the overall aim of boosting the market of digital content and therefore welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Conditional Access Consultation.
In ETNO’s view, cross-border pay-TV markets are, and will remain, fragmented mainly because of the linguistic factor and therefore there is no significant commercial interest in developing these broadcasting markets. ETNO is not aware of studies showing any significance of the phenomenon of “grey market” and the phenomenon therefore does not justify regulatory intervention.
The risk of overlapping regulation between different areas, such as between Conditional Access and Digital Right Management systems, should be carefully avoided.