RD285 - ETNO Reflection Document on the Digital Dividend in Europe

ETNO supports the harmonisation of part of the 470-862 MHz band for broadband wireless access as proposed in the Commission Communication “Reaping the full benefits of digital dividend in Europe”.Therefore, ETNO supports the identification of a reserved harmonised sub-band of the 470 – 862 MHz for bi-directional broadband communications and favours a flexible channel plan with different options, also extending below 790 MHz, in order to be applied in particular national situations.

ETNO supports the harmonisation of part of the 470-862 MHz band for broadband wireless access as proposed in the Commission Communication “Reaping the full benefits of digital dividend in Europe”.
Therefore, ETNO supports the identification of a reserved harmonised sub-band of the 470 – 862 MHz for bi-directional broadband communications and favours a flexible channel plan with different options, also extending below 790 MHz, in order to be applied in particular national situations.