RD323 - ETNO Reflection Document commenting on the RSPG opinion on the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme

ETNO welcomes the establishment of multi-annual radio spectrum policy programmes whereby a long term vision that extends to at least 2020 is necessary. The Association agrees with the general directions defined in the RSPG opinion on the radio spectrum policy programme.ETNO supports the harmonisation of spectrum usage and appreciates flexibility of usage by moving towards technology neutrality which however requires a very careful approach on a band by band basis.

ETNO welcomes the establishment of multi-annual radio spectrum policy programmes whereby a long term vision that extends to at least 2020 is necessary.  The Association agrees with the general directions defined in the RSPG opinion on the radio spectrum policy programme.
ETNO supports the harmonisation of spectrum usage and appreciates flexibility of usage by moving towards technology neutrality which however requires a very careful approach on a band by band basis.
ETNO supports the harmonisation of usage and regulation of the 790- 862 MHz band all over Europe for medium and low power bidirectional communications networks and a clear deadline should be set. Furthermore, medium and long term availability of additional spectrum for electronic communications will be essential for new communication services development and should be made available timely and sufficiently as e.g. in the US.