RD349 - ETNO Reflection Document commenting on the Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050

ETNO welcomes the Commission roadmap towards a low carbon economy but calls on EU policy makers to ensure that the role of the ICT and broadband networks and services in achieving better energy efficiency is fully reflected. Sector-specific roadmaps and national low carbon plans should include concrete incentives for other sectors of the economy to embrace low-carbon solutions.

ETNO welcomes the Commission roadmap towards a low carbon economy but calls on EU policy makers to ensure that the role of the ICT and broadband networks and services in achieving better energy efficiency is fully reflected. Sector-specific roadmaps and national low carbon plans should include concrete incentives for other sectors of the economy to embrace low-carbon solutions.

  • ETNO welcomes the Commission roadmap towards a low carbon economy but calls on EU policy makers to ensure that the role of the ICT and broadband networks and services in achieving better energy efficiency is fully reflected.
  • Sector-specific roadmaps and national low carbon plans should include concrete incentives for other sectors of the economy to embrace low-carbon solutions.