RD355 - ETNO Reflection Document - Reply to the public consultation on the Revision of the Community Guidelines for the application of State aid rules in relation to rapid deployment of broadband networks.

The Commission’s Broadband Guidelines provide a solid framework to assess the use of public funding for broadband network development. In this position paper, ETNO believes that in order for the EU2020 Strategy and the Digital Agenda targets to be fully reached, further funds should be made available for the rollout of NGA networks. In addition, next generation mobile networks should no longer be excluded from the NGA definition in the State aid broadband Guidelines.Executive Summary:

The Commission’s Broadband Guidelines provide a solid framework to assess the use of public funding for broadband network development. In this position paper, ETNO believes that in order for the EU2020 Strategy and the Digital Agenda targets to be fully reached, further funds should be made available for the rollout of NGA networks. In addition, next generation mobile networks should no longer be excluded from the NGA definition in the State aid broadband Guidelines.

Executive Summary:

  • The Commission’s Broadband Guidelines provide a solid framework to assess the use of public funding for broadband network development. Public funding may be useful where no commercial plans are in place to serve remote areas. Subsidies should never be used to fund the duplication of existing or planned infrastructure.
  • In order for the EU2020 Strategy and the Digital Agenda targets to be fully reached, further funds should be made available for the rollout of NGA networks
  • Any revision of the Broadband Guidelines should recognise that the broadband market has grown in terms of penetration, especially as regards connections via mobile technologies.
  • The distinction between “basic broadband” networks and “NGA” networks is blurred.  Basic broadband networks could be upgraded to NGA networks in a timely manner, if private-sector investment incentives develop.
  • Since wireless technologies can contribute to achieving the Digital Agenda targets, policies at EU and national level should fully exploit their potential. Next generation mobile networks should no longer be excluded from the NGA definition in the State aid broadband Guidelines.
  • It would not be appropriate to insert quantity indicators in the NGA definition as this could risk influencing market and technological development.
  • Any wholesale access obligations imposed on publicly-funded infrastructure or networks should also be aligned with the original purpose of the State aid granted
  • The appropriate duration period for a given State aid project should be defined on a case-by-case basis and will depend on numerous factors