RD361 - ETNO Reflection Document on BEREC 2012 WP

BEREC’s work in 2012 should primarily focus on creating a regulatory framework that incentivises private investment in high-speed wireline and wireless networks. ETNO welcomes BEREC’s intention to carry out work on regulatory accounting, Next Generation Access networks and the implementation of the EU framework provisions on net neutrality in 2012. ETNO thinks that market definition and the impact of reduced mobile termination rates on the mobile sector for its 2012 WP should also be considered.Executive Summary:

BEREC’s work in 2012 should primarily focus on creating a regulatory framework that incentivises private investment in high-speed wireline and wireless networks. ETNO welcomes BEREC’s intention to carry out work on regulatory accounting, Next Generation Access networks and the implementation of the EU framework provisions on net neutrality in 2012. ETNO thinks that market definition and the impact of reduced mobile termination rates on the mobile sector for its 2012 WP should also be considered.

Executive Summary:

  • BEREC plays an increasingly important role in ensuring a consistent and proportionate regulatory regime in Europe. ETNO looks forward to a continued cooperation with BEREC and its Chairman in 2012.
  • The electronic communications sector continues to face pressure on revenues that increasingly restrict its investment capacity. BEREC’s work in 2012 should primarily focus on creating a regulatory framework that incentivises private investment in high-speed wireline and wireless networks.
  • Against this background, ETNO welcomes BEREC’s intention to carry out work on regulatory accounting, Next Generation Access networks and the implementation of the EU framework provisions on net neutrality in 2012. We invite BEREC to also consider market definition and the impact of reduced mobile termination rates on the mobile sector for its 2012 WP.