RD362 - ETNO Reflection Document - Reponse to the European Commission’s Green Paper on the Online Distribution of Audiovisual Works in the European Union

ETNO believes that the Commission’s Green Paper on Audiovisual Works provides an important basis for the necessary debate on the policy options needed in order to develop a sound framework within which European industry and European consumers can benefit from the digital single market and to improve Europe’s competitive position.Executive Summary:

ETNO believes that the Commission’s Green Paper on Audiovisual Works provides an important basis for the necessary debate on the policy options needed in order to develop a sound framework within which European industry and European consumers can benefit from the digital single market and to improve Europe’s competitive position.

Executive Summary:

  • ETNO believes that the Commission’s Green Paper on Audiovisual Works provides an important basis for the necessary debate on the policy options needed in order to develop a sound framework within which European industry and European consumers can benefit from the digital single market and to improve Europe’s competitive position.
  • ICT has a fundamental role in making the audiovisual market a success. However, the appropriate regulatory environment must be in place.
  • The online content market remains exceedingly complex and is still fragmented due to the application of rules usually applied to traditional distribution networks. This further impedes the digital single market.
  • Fragmentation of the market can be overcome through a new, appropriate and simple licensing regime, i.e. through the possibility of cross-border licences.
  • Europe needs a more holistic approach: any revision of the current rules should be aimed at maximising the potential of the European industry rather than favouring sectors or industries mainly based abroad.
  • Beyond fragmentation, there are other barriers to the audio visual market: different privacy rules applied in the European market in comparison to other regions, lack of harmonisation in consumer protection rules, an inappropriate TVA regime and complex payment methods.
  • ETNO believes that attractive legal offers and innovative business ideas would increase revenues for rights-holders while helping to address the issue of digital piracy.
  • At the same time, ETNO has always recognized and promoted the need for rights-holders to receive fair remuneration.
  • Collective societies can have an important role; however a sound revision of their governance rules is needed, guaranteeing a more transparent and competitive framework.