RD367 - ETNO Reflection Document on BEREC draft Medium Term Strategy Outlook

ETNO welcomes BEREC’s initiative to provide a mid-term strategic outlook on its priorities. It reflects BEREC’s increasingly important role in ensuring a consistent and proportionate regulatory regime in the EU.Executive Summary

ETNO welcomes BEREC’s initiative to provide a mid-term strategic outlook on its priorities. It reflects BEREC’s increasingly important role in ensuring a consistent and proportionate regulatory regime in the EU.

Executive Summary

  • ETNO welcomes BEREC’s initiative to provide a mid-term strategic outlook on its priorities. It reflects BEREC’s increasingly important role in ensuring a consistent and proportionate regulatory regime in the EU.
  • ETNO welcomes BEREC’s recognition of increased convergence and the role of ‘over-the-top’ service competition. BEREC’s overall activities should contribute to a level playing field for competition between actors on different layers of the value chain. BEREC should make this an overarching strategic priority. 
  • ETNO supports BEREC’s goal to adopt common regulatory approaches in those areas “where differences impede the internal market”. The completion of the digital single market is a core objective of the Digital Agenda and a key to stronger growth in Europe. Eliminating differences in national regulatory practice in itself, however, does not help to achieve the internal market and will often be an inefficient use of regulatory resources. The work of BEREC and other EU bodies should focus on areas where existing differences lead to barriers to competition in the single market.