RD369 - ETNO Reflection Document - Comments on ECC Recommendation (12)02 “Number Portability – Best Practices”

ETNO would like to thank the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) for the opportunity to comment on the proposed recommendations on Number Portability Best Practices.Executive Summary

ETNO would like to thank the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) for the opportunity to comment on the proposed recommendations on Number Portability Best Practices.

Executive Summary

  • ETNO would like to thank the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) for the opportunity to comment on the proposed recommendations on Number Portability Best Practices.
  • ETNO is generally supportive of the directions put forward in the draft document but has concerns about the additional operational and technical impacts that some of the proposed recommendations may impose.
  • In particular, ETNO does not consider that whilst a single general framework may have its merits, it is necessary to go as far as mandating a particular method or time value and therefore ETNO proposes to focus on the essential objectives for number portability rather than to define detailed solutions that might go beyond the current European regulation.