RD377 - ECC WG NaN Green Paper - Long Term Evolution in Numbering, Naming and Addressing 2012-2022

ETNO would like to thank the CEPT/ECC (Electronic Communications Committee) WG NaN (Working Group Numbering and Networks) for the opportunity to comment on the Green Paper on “Long Term Evolution in Numbering, Naming and Addressing: 2012 – 2022”.ETNO very much welcomes the statement that “efficient and effective regulations in the area of numbering, naming and addressing are only possible after a detailed and well informed dialogue with all the involved stakeholders…”Executive summary:

ETNO would like to thank the CEPT/ECC (Electronic Communications Committee) WG NaN (Working Group Numbering and Networks) for the opportunity to comment on the Green Paper on “Long Term Evolution in Numbering, Naming and Addressing: 2012 – 2022”.

ETNO very much welcomes the statement that “efficient and effective regulations in the area of numbering, naming and addressing are only possible after a detailed and well informed dialogue with all the involved stakeholders…”

Executive summary:

  • ETNO very much welcomes the statement that “efficient and effective regulations in the area of numbering, naming and addressing are only possible after a detailed and well informed dialogue with all the involved stakeholders…”
  • It is recommended to keep stability in the numbering plans. Any unnecessary change should be avoided as it would have a significant impact on end-users’ behaviour, end-user equipment and operator networks. Any change in the numbering plan should therefore be based on a stable long term vision.