Annual Economic Report - 2011

Today one out of five customers subscribes to a managed VoIP service, while video downloads and search engines remain the main usage of Internet.
Data show that operators remain committed to investing despite reduced revenue. Even if investment has slightly increased compared to 2009, overall, investment has now fallen below the 2005 level.

Today one out of five customers subscribes to a managed VoIP service, while video downloads and search engines remain the main usage of Internet.

Data show that operators remain committed to investing despite reduced revenue. Even if investment has slightly increased compared to 2009, overall, investment has now fallen below the 2005 level.


Annual Economic Report - 2011.jpgETNO members continue to drive broadband deployment. Latest coverage figures show that 2013 targets of the EU Digital Agenda are well on track. As for 2020 objectives, figures clearly show that they will be reached only through a mix of technologies and platforms, fixed and mobile. Achieving these goals will require combined efforts of all. Creating the best conditions for investment and reassuring the markets in today’s difficult times must remain the key priorities.

The continued increase in usage of social networking sites and other Over the Top Applications confirm the need for new models of cooperation.

Policy for our sector needs to be flexible in order to enable operators to adapt to rapidly changing realities and let new business models emerge from the markets.

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