Annual Economic Report - 2013

ETNO has been the voice of Europe’s telecommunications network operators since 1992. With their investment and innovation in new e-communications services and networks, ETNO member companies create economic growth & jobs and improve the daily lives of citizens.

ETNO has been the voice of Europe’s telecommunications network operators since 1992. With their investment and innovation in new e-communications services and networks, ETNO member companies create economic growth & jobs and improve the daily lives of citizens.

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ETNO’s 37 member companies and 12 observers* from Europe and beyond represent a significant part of total ICT activity in Europe. They account for an aggregate annual turnover of more than 600 bn EUR and employ over 1.6 million people. ETNO companies are the main drivers of broadband and are committed to its continual growth in Europe.

ETNO members also hold new entrant positions outside their national markets. ETNO brings together the main investors in innovative and high-quality e-communications platforms and services, representing 70% of total sector investment , 71% of total revenues of telecom services and 77% of European jobs in the sector.

ETNO strongly contributes to shaping a favourable regulatory and commercial environment for its members to continue to deploy innovative and high quality services and platforms for the benefit of European consumers and businesses.

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