Annual Economic Report - 2014

ETNO has been the strong and reliable voice of Europe’s telecommunications network operators since 1992.

ETNO has been the strong and reliable voice of Europe’s telecommunications network operators since 1992.


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ETNO’s 36 member companies and 9 observers from Europe and beyond are the backbone of Europe’s digital progress and, in a fully digitised future, they will be enablers of Europe’s progress as a whole. Thanks to their investment and innovation in new e-communications services, they have been and will continue to be the enablers of a smarter, more competitive and prosperous continent.

ETNO member companies investment accounted for almost 60% of fixed and mobile Cap Ex in 2013 (EUR 27.8bn). In 2013, ETNO member companies employed over 625,000 people, thus being the main employer in the sector.

The telecom industry is instrumental to accelerating the implementation of a European Digital Society, leveraging its assets, expertise and knowledge and serving as a key agent of change. ETNO closely contributes to shaping the best regulatory and commercial environment for its members so they can continue to deliver top quality services to European consumers and businesses.

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