Annual Report - 2003

ETNO led a pro-active agenda in 2003 for the industry, embracing the full spectrum of policy issues. Priority however, went to three e-communications challenges that emerged during the year: promotion of broadband, monitoring of implementation of the EU's new telecoms directives and dialogue with policymakers regarding the EU's enlargement.

ETNO led a pro-active agenda in 2003 for the industry, embracing the full spectrum of policy issues. Priority however, went to three e-communications challenges that emerged during the year: promotion of broadband, monitoring of implementation of the EU's new telecoms directives and dialogue with policymakers regarding the EU's enlargement.

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One of the Association's central policy messages to Europe's policymakers was the incontestable need for a strong and coherent policy approach to broadband. As a pillar of the European economy, high-speed Internet's development is a necessary ingredient to enable the achievement of e-Europe's aspiration of an Information Society for all. This message reached its target audience thanks to ETNO's position papers, briefings with policymakers and its second annual conference on broadband. Europe's leaders recognised the strategic necessity of promoting technology-neutral competition in broadband and the creation of inducements for industry to invest in broadband infrastructure.

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