Annual Report - 2004

2004 will be remembered as an important milestone in the history of Europe. Ten new member states joined the EU. The first Parliament and Commission of the enlarged EU took office, bringing new perspectives in the policy debates.

2004 will be remembered as an important milestone in the history of Europe. Ten new member states joined the EU. The first Parliament and Commission of the enlarged EU took office, bringing new perspectives in the policy debates.


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The year was important for the telecommunications sector as well, showing clear signs of renewed growth and increasing competition on the markets.Technology continued to evolve significantly, leading to a new revolution in the telecommunications sector. The deployment of new platforms multiplies ways in which services can be delivered and packaged. With convergence of technologies and services, new players are increasingly offering e-communications services, while traditional operators diversify and enter new areas.

These developments, which are shaping the landscape in which we operate, call for a change of thinking.

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