Annual Report - 2013

2013 has been an important and pivotal year for the telecoms industry in Brussels. The European Commission has put forward significant proposals in the area of telecoms, including a package for creating a Telecoms Single Market.

2013 has been an important and pivotal year for the telecoms industry in Brussels. The European Commission has put forward significant proposals in the area of telecoms, including a package for creating a Telecoms Single Market.

 Annual Report - 2013.jpgThe package included a Communication “on the Telecommunications Single Market”, a Regulation “to achieve a Connected Continent” and a “Recommendation on non-discrimination obligations and costing methodologies to promote competition and enhance the broadband investments”. At the same time, the attention of both European leaders and members of the European Parliament for telcos scaled up. The European Council, which gathers heads of state and government, dedicated thematic sessions to discuss the digital economy.

In the context of such a transformative year for the EU debate on future telecom policies, ETNO, on top of its regular activities, also put forward a top level study on a European “Digital Single Market” with the leading consultancy Boston Consulting Group. In addition to this, we ensured that we remained as leaders in the debate also through our signature-events with the Financial Times and with MLex, the leading market & regulatory insights magazine.

In a nutshell, ETNO ensured that the interests and viewpoint of Europe’s leading telecom operators were put forward in the most visible, effective and fact-based way. We have a long tradition in being reliable partners of the EU Institutions and in being our Members’ trusted voice in the policy and regulatory arena.

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