The Corporate Responsibility Charter of the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association

This Charter is an initiative of the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association, and is aimed at responsible companies operating in the ICT sector in Europe. It represents the natural evolution of the former Environmental Charter launched in 1996 and Sustainability Charter launched in 2004.

This Charter is an initiative of the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association, and is aimed at responsible companies operating in the ICT sector in Europe. It represents the natural evolution of the former Environmental Charter launched in 1996 and Sustainability Charter launched in 2004.

Collectively, our companies’ combined turnover represents a significant proportion of European trade, which offers a unique opportunity for ETNO member companies and the signatories of this Charter in general to co-operate actively with policy-makers and Governments to make a real difference. Indeed, our CR activities can offer a significant contribution to sustainable development.

Our Vision
Sustainable development is a global strategic goal, which seeks to achieve economic growth that promotes a fair and just society while conserving the natural environment and the world’s scarce, non-renewable resources for future generations. It is our belief we, given our position in and impact on the economic, social and technological scenario, can play an important part in making this happen.

Corporate Responsibility also needs to be understood in the context of sustainable development:

  • Corporate Responsibility is the business contribution to making sustainable development happen, through the proactive management of a company’s environmental, social and economic impacts.

This Charter embodies our commitment to sustainable development via:

  • a sustainable provision of ICT based solutions with significant environmental, social and economic benefits, with a particular focus on enabling the reduction of environmental impacts of other industry sectors and society at large and improving citizens’ quality of life;
  • a determined effort to integrate our business activities with environmental, social, and economic responsibilities — minimising, where practicable, any negative impact these activities may generate.

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