ETNO Agenda for Europe 2015

We live in extraordinary times. 505 million European citizens are hoping for an economic recovery and a return to growth and prosperity.
As an industry that underpins this economy, we see an urgent need to act and constructively participate in enabling recovery.

We live in extraordinary times. 505 million European citizens are hoping for an economic recovery and a return to growth and prosperity.

As an industry that underpins this economy, we see an urgent need to act and constructively participate in enabling recovery.


ETNO Agenda for Europe 2015.jpg European policymakers duly consider the digital industry as the pivotal driver for modernising our society and have accordingly sought to steer ambitions and targets through a dedicated policy tool: the EU Digital Agenda.

Now Europe must rapidly develop a new set of public policies for the whole digital sector, recognising its globalised nature and the increasingly outdated policy distinction between communications networks and services and the Internet.

A new digital strategy for Europe is needed and the European telecoms industry is ready to play its part. To this end, ETNO envisions three strategic directions:



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